Sunday 21 February 2010

Death Planet Commandos poster

This is a poster I designed for my old band the Death Planet Commandos ( notice alternate spelling on poster! ) back in 1989. This was for a gig we played on a bandstand (!) in Gloucester Park and as you can see it was on the May Day Bank Holiday, a beautiful, sunny day, with thousands of adoring fans falling at our feet. ( Some of that last sentence may be untrue. ) The bandstand has since been demolished, a bit like the DPC.

I've got no idea where I nicked the image from but I thought it looked appropriate for an open-air gig. There's more DPC stuff to follow, possibly including our Secret Origins.....


  1. Was that the gig when you followed on from The Things? If it was I think I went to that one. You've still gotta be proud though of being in a band with some of the best lyrics ever "Jesus stole my skateboard, hes crusing down the strip, he's taken speed and LSD, he's on a holy trip" - genius!

    Hope all's good mate...

  2. Yeah that was the one - Black September ( dodgy Goths ) headlined and we followed The Things, which was mad 'cos they were clearly the best band on the bill.

    Thanks for the kind words about "Jesus...", I set out to write a song with the dumbest lyrics ever, and I think I succeeded. Will have to post the full lyrics sometime!

    Nice to hear from you mate! Speak to you soon...

  3. Cheers, wiec?! And it was all done in those pre-PC days, with paper, pens and glue. Happy days!
