Friday 1 January 2010

Goodbye 2009!

This is us last night at my Mum's place, celebrating New Year's Eve by drinking mulled wine and releasing some Sky Lanterns.

The trick is to light their fuel packs without setting fire to the paper. Or yourself.

Note the concentration on the face above. ( Also the double-chin! That New Year's diet is calling!! )

The idea is to make a wish as you send them floating up into the sky. I think we all shared the same wish.

2009 has been a pretty hard year for us, what with my Mum's illness, the constant battle to keep James in education and the bloody recession doing its best to hammer us some more.

It felt to me that we were sending the old year away with the Lanterns: a good feeling!!


  1. Oh my god, we did this too! Absolutley terrifying, I totally agree.

  2. Hey, Sarah! Hope no-one got burnt!

    It was a bit scary at times, but great fun!

  3. I've never heard of doing this. I like it better than watching a stupid ball drop on the television. Yes, I like this quite a bit more, but fear if I were to try this, the authorities may not take such a generous attitude with me.

  4. It's definitely a good laugh. And from what I hear it's really taking off.
