Saturday 24 October 2009

Steranko Saturdays: Captain America 111

I haven't posted enough comic artwork on this 'ere blog lately, so I thought I'd start another semi-regular feature, spotlighting the work of Jaunty Jim Steranko.

Today's image is page 9 of Captain America 111, March 1969. Rick Jones, Cap's would-be sidekick, is in the throes of a Comics Code - approved bad trip after being poisoned by the hordes of Hydra.

I liked this piece of artwork so much that I shamelessly ripped it off for my Art O-Level: Dali-esque infinite perspective, giant eyeballs, ruined temple, the whole kit and caboodle. If you're gonna steal, steal from the best I always say.....


  1. Awesome. Not so awesome cheating for your art o level though. You were only cheating yourself, you know. Unless you passed of course:)

  2. nice pic and i look forward to seeing more Steranko on future Saturdays.

  3. Igloo Keeper, I'm ashamed to say my Steranko "homage" helped me get a B grade and spurred me on to my catastrophic D grade at A-Level.

    Wiec?,I've got loads more Steranko goodness to come, watch this space...
