Saturday 18 July 2009

On blogging...

Haven't posted anything for a few days as it's been a crap week and I haven't been able to get my head round it. We found out this week that my Mum is more seriously ill than we previously thought and will need both radiotherapy and chemotherapy. Obviously we're all a bit shell-shocked at the moment to say the least.
So, on the subject of blogging ( which is obviously very low on my list of priorities ) - do I write about any of this or what? Would it be good therapy or is it too intensely personal for a blog which is normally fairly lightweight? Should I create a separate blog for family issues and reserve The Glass Walking-Stick for the usual nonsense? Or should I keep the blend of what Cameron Crowe calls "the sour and the sweet of life" at the risk of alienating people who just want to read about comics and music etc.? Do I have a responsibility to Followers or only to myself?
That's a lot of questions. At the moment I don't have any answers...


  1. Sorry to hear about your mum, Cerebus.
    Having lost my Mum two years ago, I know exactly what you're feeling right now, and I'd say, be selfish. If you want to post about that, and feel it helps, then do so. People may be uncomfortable with that, and not comment or respond, and that's completely understandable, but really, if it helps you, why not?
    Personally, when I posted something on my blog for my Mum recently, I didn't go into any great detail, really out of personal choice. I just thought she would like me to put that strip up on that day, so I did.It's up to you really, buddy.
    Hope your mum feels ok.

  2. Thanks for the kind words, Pete. It really is much appreciated. I remember the post you mentioned; thought it was very touching.
    Thanks again for your support and, BTW, my real-world name is Simon.(I'm not really a small, grey aardvaark.)

  3. Sorry to hear about your Mum.
    Re the blog, I reckon it's your site so post what you want on it. If people don't want to read personal stuff they won't. Sometimes I find that online offloading helps.

  4. Thanks for the comment, Saranga. Again, much appreciated. It means a lot to get such support from the blogger community. Cheers :)

  5. sorry to hear about your mom bro. i was going through the same sort of stuff last year.

    everyone's different about what they post. when it came down to it i typed out long posts about my feelings about the whole thing as it was going on and never posted them. i found writing about it very cathartic but chickened out when it came to sharing them. in the end i found it helpful to spill it out but for me personally keeping it to myself felt like the right thing to do. everyone is different. i wouldn't worry about running the risk alienating people or your followers. You do this blog for yourself first right? i agree with Saranga that online off loading might help.

    what ever you do i hope everything works out for the best. my thoughts are with you your family and your mom. all best.

  6. Thanks for commenting, wiec? It really does mean a lot to me to read people's thoughts on this subject. Once again, thanx for your support.

  7. A bit late adding my commiserations (I'm about as good at reading blogs as I am at writing one!), but obviously I hope things take the best possible course. As others have already said, it's your blog so you put on as much or as little as you want to. Primary concern is will it make you feel any better? Secondary is whether it might make a reader in a similar position feel or understand their own predicament better. Maybe the latter might help achieve the former.

  8. Hi Edward, thanks for your thoughts. I'm still not sure how much detail I'll go into on this blog (if at all) but my Mum's treatment starts next week, so we'll see. I don't want to make too big a thing of it online, but in the real world it's obviously going to take up a lot of our time.BTW Mum had a blood-transfusion yesterday to build her strength up and that went well.
    Thanks again Edward, hope you and yours are well.
