Sunday 30 November 2008

Of Time Lords, Transvestites and Tinseltown...

We watched The Rocky Horror Picture Show for the first time in ages last night. Sophie had been on about seeing it for a while, so we said she could, what with her being 13 and all growed up like. She only watched half of it and I don't think she really got it. What gets me is how cheap the whole thing looks, although I suppose that does add to the trashy aesthetic. Still worth watching for the songs, all the genre references, a very hot young Susan Sarandon and Tim Curry's career-defining performance. There is talk of a remake to add to the list of other pointless rehashes lately. What are the odds on Johnny Depp as Frank N. Furter? Brad Pitt as Rocky? The horror!
I bought a good movie book yesterday ( £2 secondhand ) : Hollywood - 50 Great Years (ISBN 0 86283 924 6). Five critics tackle a decade each, 1930s to 1970s. Tons of great photos and some useful reviews of old films. The section on the '30s is especially good, with a chapter on the great Universal monster movies, emphasis on James Whale and Tod Browning, as well as the films of Val Lewton, Michael Curtiz, Karl Freund et al. A pretty good section on film noir too. Bargain!
We went to Slimbridge WWT for a walk this afternoon: pretty bloody cold but better than lounging around at home. They had a glorified jumble sale in the reception area, where the kids bought a few cheap old videos: Clueless and Groundhog Day for Sophie, Doctor Who: The Androids Of Tara for James. 25p each! James and I watched the Whovid when we got back. Good fun, a Prisoner Of Zenda pastiche with plenty of witty lines and swordplay, a glacial Mary Tamm and an energetic Tom Baker. Oh, and the Taran Wood Beast, probably the worst Who monster ever. Unless, of course, you know differently. Answers on a postcard...
Endblog 11.
Soundtrack: Magic, Bruce Springsteen
Greatest Hits, The Four Tops
"Do you mind not standing on my chest? My hat's on fire."

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