Thursday, 13 February 2025
Friday, 7 February 2025
FF Fridays slight return: First Steps trailer
As any long term reader of this 'ere blog would know ( pauses for hysterical laughter at the thought of such impossible creatures ) my all-time favourite comic book is the Lee & Kirby Fantastic Four. I used to do a semi-regular feature here called FF Fridays, and the release of Marvel Studios' latest movie trailer prompted me to dust this off.
The previous cinematic adaptations of Marvel's First Family have been a very mixed bag. The Tim Story-directed films from the early 2000s were fun but deeply flawed, while the 2015 reboot was irredeemably bad. ( We won't mention the unreleased Roger Corman production from the '90s. )
Thursday, 6 February 2025
Headful of halos
I took these photos of a fantastic halo around the sun when I was at work this morning. We'd had thick fog since the early hours but the sun briefly shone through and created this beautiful effect. An amazing light shining through the gloom? Please say it's a sign. I think we could all do with some sunnier times ahead.