Sunday 7 February 2016

True Believers Comic Festival 2016

Yesterday, James and I went to the second annual True Believers Comic Festival at the Cheltenham racecourse. After braving some horrendous weather and a chaotic entry "system" we found ourselves in The Centaur, usually the home of horse and jockey-related events but, on this Saturday, given over to artists, writers, comic peddlers and cosplayers.
We had a great day, wandering around all the stalls, marvelling or sniggering at the cosplayers and meeting with loads of cool people. We chatted with veteran comic artists Mike Collins and Lee Sullivan  -  mostly about their stellar Doctor Who work  -   and also with the up-and-coming artist Emma Vieceli who is currently producing some sterling work for Titan's Eighth Doctor comic. And, keeping up the Doctor Who connection, we also chatted with the wonderful Paul Cornell who was very welcoming and happily signed a couple of his books for us. ( A copy of Human Nature we bought from Paul for £3! and my old and well-thumbed edition of The Doctor Who Discontinuity Guide. )
We also talked with the lovely guys from Big Punch Studios about their exciting new multiverse of science fiction comics. Check out the link  -  they've got some great stuff on the go and loads more planned.
As I said, we had a great day and found the whole thing very relaxed and welcoming. Here's James, posing in front of the inevitable Tardis...
Same time next year?